Is Twitter Important?

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Over 300 million users are on the popular Twitter social media platform. Users can promote their businesses, chit chat with friends and family, or just scroll looking at other people’s tweets. Many different types of users exist including students, policymakers, politicians, and the general public. Businesses also use Twitter. Twitter can help businesses reach another group of people on social media, but is it worth the effort?

To Tweet or not To Tweet on Twitter…. That Is The Question

Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows users to send and receive quick posts called Tweets. Now, the tweets can only be up to 280 characters long, but they can include links to websites. This means that it can help businesses advertising their products, sales and services for free.

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The Positives of Twitter

The most important benefit of twitter is that it is FREE. Free is definitely something that designates with many businesses. It is also very popular which means a business can reach a lot of people with a single click.

“Twitter helps with brand identity and the cost to use the platform is free. Paid ads are available, but many businesses have enjoyed the organic benefits and interactions on the platform. ” ~ Cheryl Mintz,

The Negatives of Twitter

Despite the positives of using Twitter, there are still some negatives to consider too. With so many different platforms out there for businesses and users, is Twitter worth committing resources to for maintenance?

“To use Twitter well, a business must use it regularly. It also means having the right person maintaining the twitter account. Just like with any social media platform, complaints must be addressed pretty quickly. If negative comments are not addressed quickly and with a positive outcome, the platform can become a liability for a business.” ~ Brett Bauman,

The Final Answer

In the end, despite all of the positives of Twitter, it truly may not be worth the time and effort, even if it is free. Due to the limitation of the platform and the required maintenance, it may not be as valuable as other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. However, if a business has the resources and a good advertising team, then go ahead and incorporate the platform as another resource to reach potential customers.

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