Spring Into Safety – Kid’s Day

Are you ready for a fun, FREE event for kids? On Saturday, April 7, 2022, starting at 11am, head on over to Northwest Montana Fairgrounds the 6th Annual Spring into Safety Kid’s Day. This free event is all about kid’s safety starting with Roundup for Safety providing more than 1,000 free bicycle helmets. Plus, kids are invited to bring their bikes for a maintenance check, and they can even check out the MHP road safety course. There will also be kid’s games, face painting, bouncy houses, and other activities. In addition, there will be more than 30 community programs, A.L.E.R.T. and Tow Bear Air Helicopters, Area Police, Fire, EMS and Search & Rescue will all be available to answer questions.

6th annual spring into safety kid's day

Spring Into Safety Details

Saturday, May 7, 2022, 11am – 3pm

Trade Center at Northwest Montana Fairgrounds

406 Buzz Montana News

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!

Flathead Kennel Club of Montana Canine Expo 2022

Flathead Kennel Club of Montana Canine Expo 2022

Do you love dogs? Then the Flathead Kennel Club of Montana Canine Expo 2022 is the place that you need to be this weekend. On Saturday, April 23, 2022, from 10am until 3pm, head on over to the Whitefish Credit Union Trade Center at the Flathead Fair Grounds for a little 2022 K-9 Expo fun. 

The Flathead Kennel Club will, once again, host a Canine Expo promoting responsible dog ownership. There will be demonstrations regarding training, search & rescue, scent work and canine educational presentations.  

Now – This day is all about the dogs and their human companions. There will be demonstrations and activities about training, search & rescue, scent work, trick dog, and much more. Educational information will be presented about dog health care, responsible breeders, service, therapy and emotional support dogs, responsible dog ownership and canine 1st aid. Local business and animal resources will be on site sharing information about resources available in our area!

Flathead Kennel Club of Montana Canine Expo 2022 Logo

Flathead Kennel Club of Montana Canine Expo 2022 Details

Date/Time: Saturday, April 23, 2022 10am -3pm

Location: Flathead County Fair Grounds

Canine Expo 2022 Admission Price: $2 per person , $5 for Family

Click HERE for Canine Expo 2022 Ticket Information

About Flathead Kennel Club of Montana

Who We Are
The Flathead Kennel Club of Montana is a nonprofit organization of dog breeders, fanciers, exhibitors and trainers dedicated to the advancement of purebred dogs. Most members live in and around Kalispell, MT in the Flathead Valley. Kalispell is located in Northwest Montana 33.6 miles from Glacier National Park.

Our Mission
To further the advancement of all purebred dogs; to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of all breeds of the purebred dogs and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and obedience, rally, or agility trials; to conduct sanctioned matches, dogs shows obedience trials and other events for which the Club is eligible under the Rules and Regulations of The American Kennel Club.

Learn more  – HERE

406.Buzz Montana Living Magazine

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!

Native Seed Planting – ImagineIF Library

Native Seed Plantings

Do you like to plant? Have you ever wanted to teach your children how a plant grows? Well, this is your opportunity to have a little bit of planting fun while expanding your child’s knowledge of science. Come discover the science initiatives that ImagineIF Libraries will be hosting this year and participate in the launch of our new Native Plant Garden. Plant and take home a native Montana seedling, care for it and then return it to the library to be added to the garden or give it a forever home in your own yard!

Native Seed Planting & Library logo

Native Seed Planting Details

Kalispell: April 4-9 – 10am til 6pm
Bigfork: April 12-16 – 10am til 6pm
Columbia Falls: April 18-23 – 10am til 6pm

Learn more – HERE. 

New Science Tools Available At ImagineIf Libraries

ImagineIF is excited to announce Science Connect: Lending Tools For Discovery, a new service that allows patrons to check out science kits or a Reflector Telescope. In partnership with Arizona State University and SciStarter, ImagineIF is offering two Citizen Science Kits for checkout – Measuring Light in the Night Kit and Exploring Biodiversity.

In addition, Imagine IF Libraries has partnered with The University of Montana spectrUM Discovery Area in Missoula and the O.P. and W.E. Edwards Foundation to provide an Orion Starblast 4.5″ Altazimuth Reflector telescope for check out. Learn more – HERE.


  • An ImagineIF library card is needed to check out a device
  • 14-day lending period, with no renewals
  • Devices will be held for pickup for 7 days and must be returned in person, not in book drops
  • Overdue fines will be charged on all devices returned over 7 days late

406 Buzz Montana News

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!

Whitefish Arts Festival

43rd Annual Whitefish Arts Festvial 2022

Are you ready for the 43rd Annual Whitefish Arts Festival? If you are tired of shopping on Amazon and other big box stores, mark your calendar for the best Whitefish Arts Festival during the 4th of July weekend.

“An annual favorite throughout the Northwest, the Whitefish Arts Festival maintains a long tradition of high quality arts and fine crafts. Whitefish is a picturesque village nestled in the Flathead Valley of Montana featuring beautiful lakes, majestic mountains, and friendly folks strolling the

streets during the 4th of July weekend.”

Whitefish Arts Festival Details

The Whitefish Arts Festival has a long history of drawing top artists and craftspeople from all over the country who work across the mediums from stellar canvas art pieces to top quality jewelry to unique sculpture and metal arts and everything in between. Want to get a jump on your Christmas shopping? This is the perfect opportunity to find those perfect gifts while supporting local businesses. Guests can expect over 100 different vendors that range from painters and jewelers to food vendors and services. The festival is located at Whitefish’s Depot Park on the corner of Central Avenue and Railway Street in the heart of scenic downtown Whitefish. Learn more – HERE.

406.Buzz Montana Living Magazine

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!

Flathead Valley Firearm Frenzy

Flathead Valley Firearm Frenzy

On Saturday, March 19, 2022, Flathead Valley Ducks Unlimited presents Flathead Valley Firearm Frenzy. The doors open at 11am where guests will get to enjoy a great event, food, and lots of chances to win firearms and other cool stuff. There will be guns from the following manufacturers: Mossberg, Ruger, Savage, Taurus, CVA, Franchi, Canik, ATI, Beretta, Kimber, Tikka and Winchester. Everyone can have as many chances as they would like by purchases raffle tickets. Tickets are $20 each, 6 tickets for $100, and 20 for $250. Your $20 FIREARM FRENZY ticket not only gets you into the 20 Gun Super Raffle, but it gets you into the event for FREE FOOD and DRINKS!!! Montana Gaming Laws prohibit the sale of raffles via credit cards. Flathead Valley Firearm Frenzy Tickets can be purchased with debit cards, cash or checks. Learn more about the Flathead Valley Firearm Frenzy- HERE

Flathead Valley Firearm Frenzy


406 Buzz Montana News

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!



It is time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Columbia Falls at the Annual Cloverfest 2022. The Columbia Falls Area Chamber of Commerce invites everyone to wear green and celebrate at this family-friendly event. The Cloverfest will feature live music, multiple bands, performance by local musicians playing bagpipe and instruments, a 5k run, 1 mile fun run, food trucks, beer and distillery garden, themed competitions, kids carnival and so much more.

Cloverfest 2022

Cloverfest 2022 Details

Schedule of Events:

  • 11:00am-2:00pm: Kids Carnival, FREE facepainting, and live music from the Montana Bagpiper
  • 11:00am: Cloverfest 5k
  • 12:00pm: Cloverfest Fun Run
  • 1:00 Live Music, Sylvie and Nina Trio
  • 2:30pm: St Patrick’s Day Activities and Games, including split the pot bingo
  • 4:00pm: Live Music, Swiftcurrent Trio
  • 5:30pm: St Patrick’s Day Activities and Games
  • 7:00pm-9:00PM: Live Music, The Montana Shamrockers

Location: Super 1 Foods Parking Lot. 2100 9th Street West, Columbia Falls. The 5k, Fun Run and kids carnival will be outside, but the live music, competitions and other fun will be inside a heated, enclosed party tent!

Featured Breweries: Sacred Waters Brewing and Backslope Brewing

Featured Distillery: Glacier Distilling Company

Featured Food Trucks: Piroshki Palace, Montana Mountain Dawgs, 406 BBQ

Cost: The price to enter the big tent, listen to the live music and have the opportunity to participate in the themed competitions is $10.00/person, kids 12 and under are free. ID check required by all attendees upon entrance to the tent.

Cloverfest 5k: $30.00/person

The Cloverfest 5k is a timed 5k starting at11:00am on Saturday, March 12th 2022. The race will start and end at Super 1 Foods in Columbia Falls, Montana.  Entry fee is $30/racer, which includes an official time, standings and a race shirt. 5K is open to runners and walkers. Register by February 28th, 2022 to be guaranteed a race shirt.

Top Male and Female Medals Given Out in the Following Categories: 14 and Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+

Packet Pick Up: Friday, March 11th, 6-8pm, Orthorehab Physical Therapy – Columbia Falls. (500 12th Ave W, Suite 2F, Inside Cedar Palace Medical Center)

Cloverfest Fun Run : $15.00/person

The Cloverfest Fun Run is a mile long run/walk starting at 12:00pm on Saturday, March 12th 2022. The fun run is open to adults and children of all ages, infant strollers welcomed!  $15/person to participate, which includes a race shirt and swag bag from Hammer Nutrition. Dress in green as there will be a costume contest at the end of the race as well as other themed awards! Register by February 28th, 2022 to be guaranteed a race shirt.

Themed Awards include Most “Cloverly” Dressed, Better Luck Next Year, In Pursuit of the Gold, Ready to Shamrock, Golden Achiever, & Youngest Leprechaun.

Packet Pick Up: Friday, March 11th, 6-8pm, Orthorehab Physical Therapy – Columbia Falls. (500 12th Ave W, Suite 2F, Inside Cedar Palace Medical Center)

Kids Carnival: 11:00am-2:00pm

Bring the whole family for an exciting St. Patrick’s themed kids carnival! FREE face painting by Ladybug face painting, sponsored by Schellinger Construction, carnival games, live music, food trucks and more during the carnival! Tickets to play the games are $1.00/ticket or an arms length for only $10.00. Wear your green and have some good old family fun!

All games are 1 ticket. Tickets sold at the carnival, 1 for $1.00 or $10.00 for an arms length.

Kids Carnival Volunteers: Boys and Girls Club of Glacier Country, Gateway to Glacier Trails, Montana Sky Insurance and Whitefish Credit Union

K-5 Students: Enter the Cloverfest coloring contest by Friday, March 4th. Prizes for each grade are as follows: 1st Place: 10 free carnival tickets, 2nd Place: 5 free carnival tickets, 3rd Place: 3 free carnival tickets. Return your page to your classroom teacher or mail completed page to Columbia Falls Area Chamber, Box 312, Columbia Falls 59912.

We will feature three different bands throughout the day. Check out the line up below! Cost is $10.00/person. ID check required prior to entering.

Live Music Schedule:

10:30-12:30: Montana Bagpiper

1:00-2:30pm: Sylvie and Nina

4:00-5:30pm: Swiftcurrent Trio

7:00-9:00pm: The Montana Shamrockers

Competitions throughout the Day!

Throughout the day we will have themed competitions for participants of all ages. Brush up on your Irish trivia and dancing. This will be a day you won’t want to miss out on!

More Information: 406-892-2072, director@columbiafallschamber.org

Click here for more details

406.Buzz Montana Living Magazine

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!

Pancake Breakfast

Pancake Breakfast 406.Buzz

There is something so wonderful when it comes to a nice big breakfast and of course pancakes! On Saturday, March 19, 2022, from 8 am until 11 am, head over to the Whitefish Foursquare Church located at 233 Kalispell Avenue in Whitefish for a Pancake Breakfast. There will be pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, coffee, juice and tea. All of the proceeds will benefit the Flathead Celtic Festival 501 (c) 3. Tickets are $8 for adults and $4 for kids ages 10 and under. Learn more about the pancake breakfast on the Flathead Celtic Festival – HERE

Flathead Valley Festival & Games Logo & Pancake BreakfastThe Pancake Breakfast & the Flathead Celtic Festival

The Flathead Celtic Festival is an organization dedicated to promoting, preserving, and exposing our community to Celtic culture for the educational benefit of the people in this region and its visitors. The organization provides education through locals and visitors to music, dance, history, ancestry, language, food, crafts, and traditional athletic events in public venues as well as utilizing the corporation’s website to provide facts, statistics, and other related data on Celtic Nations. 

Our programs include holding fundraising events in order to promote our agenda and create funds to make the festival fiscally viable and sustainable for years to come.

The Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser is a great way to support the upcoming Flathead Celtic Festival which will take place on September 9-10, 2022 at the Centennial Farm in Kalispell. All of the proceeds benefit the Flathead Celtic Festival. Mark your calendars because on April 5, the Feis Fundraiser will take place at backslope brewing in Columbia Falls. Learn more – HERE

406.Buzz Montana Living Magazine

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!

Sportsmans Expo 2022

Sportsmans Expo 2022

Are your bags packed and are your ready to go on your next adventure? The Sportsmans Expo 2022 is taking place this weekend, Friday through Sunday ( February 25-27, 2022) , at the Flathead County Fairgrounds & Trade Center. There are lots of exhibitors who are participating in the Sportsmans Expo 2022 including the North Valley Search and Rescue, Zink’s Big Sky Archery, Grizzly Bamboo Rods, Life Flight Network and Bow Buddy just to name a few. There will lots of contests and prizes for some lucky guests including $250 Gift Certificates to the Army Navy Daily, Door Prizes, Big Buck Contest, Trail Camera Contest, Fly Casting Contest, and many more. Plus, there will be lots of great guest activities even for the young guests like a Kid’s Fishing Pond and Lady Bug Face Painting. 

Sportsmans Expo 2022

Sportsmans Expo 2022 Details

Flathead County Fairgrounds Trade Center
February 25th 2022 11:00-6:00
​February 26th 2022 10:00-5:00
February 27th 2022 10:00-4:00

​Contact Us
Office: 406-892-7368
George Johnson: 406-261-1479
Dennis Johnson: 406-261-7368
email: ​contact@montanasportsmansexpo.com

Sportsmans Expo 2022 Admission: Adults $6.00, 12 & under Free
*Bring in a non-perishable food item from $1.00 off admission. Limit $1.00 off per person. Donations will go to the NW Montana Veteran’s Food Pantry.

Cash and cards only, no checks. There is an ATM available on site.

Click HERE to learn more about the Sportsmans Expo 2022. 

406.Buzz Montana Living Magazine

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more. From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our Events Calendar – HERE – and get in the buzz!

Whitefish Penguin Plunge

Penguin Plunge Logo

Do you think you can make the plunge? Will you freeze for a reason? On February 5, 2022, everyone is invited to the City Beach Whitefish at 11am to jump in the freezing cold winter waters to support the Special Olympics Montana athletes. It is easy to start your own fundraising page and get support for such a great cause. The most important thing to know is that all of the proceeds benefit a great cause and you can be part of making a difference. 

The Polar Plunge is a unique opportunity to support Special Olympics Montana athletes by taking an icy dip into freezing waters. ~ Polar Plunge Montana

The Penguin Plunge is a premier Whitefish event that takes place in conjunction with the Whitefish Winter Carnival so that plungers and spectators can enjoy all the festivities of the day! The Polar Plunge is primarily organized, promoted and conducted by the Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics Montana.

Penguin Plunge Logo

Penguin Plunge Details


Pre-Plunge Check In
First Interstate Bank
306 Spokane Ave Whitefish, MT


Feb. 2nd- Feb. 4th, 2022
9:00am – 4:00pm


Day-of Plunge Check In
City Beach Concession Stand
Whitefish, MT

8:30am – 10:30am

Click HERE for more details!

All proceeds benefit Special Olympics Montana

Donations are tax-deductible

Visit www.somt.org or call (406) 564-2072 or (800) 242-6876 for more information.

406 Buzz Montana News

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!

Valentine’s Day Dance

Valentine's Day Dance

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, It’s Time to go to the Valentine’s Day Dance Too. On Saturday, February 12, 2022, from 7pm til 9pm.  the Valentine’s Day Dance will take place at the Linderman Education Center. There will be dancing, food, drinks, games prizes and so much more. This is the perfect way to spend with family, friends and maybe even your Valentine.

Valentine's Day Dance

Valentine’s Day Dance Details

$6 per person or $20 for family of four
(Must be accompanied by an adult)

Address: 124 3rd Ave E, Kalispell, MT 59901
For more information, email awells@kalispell.com or call 406-758-7975

406 Buzz Montana News

Are you in the Buzz?

406.Buzz is your best resource for the latest events happening around the Montana Flathead Valley area. From Kalispell and Whitefish to Eureka and Columbia Falls, we’ve got the hottest events, best outdoor activities, restaurant lists, and so much more.  From farmers’ markets and breweries to festivals, music events and family fun entertainment, we know all the buzz happening around town.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, we have all the insider information on the best places to check out every day of the week. Check out our  Events Calendar – HERE –  and get in the buzz!